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Showing posts with the label Cat help & tips

What is Catification? And How to do it?

Source: Hi Readers. Since the majority of Singaporeans live in a HDB flat or condo apartment, space is a limitation for many cat owners. For a cat to have a happy life, catification is required. But what is catification, what does it mean to catify? Let's get into it. …

5 Places to buy Cat items in SG

Hi Readers. So you have adopted a cat. Great! But where to get the food for your cat? The toys? The litter and litter boxes?  5 places to buy Cat items in SG 1) Pet Lovers Centre 2) Smaller physical stores like Tobias Kibbles, The 3 Rascals & Friends 3) Online stores like Nekojam, Koh…

How to be a responsible cat parent | owner?

How to be a responsible cat parent or owner in Singapore? Hi Readers.  Before you rush into adopting a cat, do realise that having a pet is a big responsibility. Adopting a pet means you need to commit to and take care of it for the rest of its life. They cost time and money and will re…